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Each year we travel during the holidays to see family and friends, and although it is a time filled with lots of fun events and laughs, it is also accompanied by sleep deprivation for my entire family. This year I am determined to put our sleep needs first when it comes to travel, preparations, and outings. I have finally decided that the benefits of getting enough sleep outwei ...

There are many scary things floating around during the Halloween season, but the scariest thought of all is having your little one’s sleep disrupted by a late night of festivities and trick or treating! Halloween is an evening activity and although it is a lot of fun, it can make sleep that night a little more challenging.  So here are a couple of tips to hopefully make your Ha ...

Do you ever wonder why your teenager suddenly wants to become a night owl? Or why it is so hard for them to get up and get going in the morning? Why is it that when we ask them to get up at 8am, it seems like we are asking them to wake up at 6am? Believe it or not, they are not just being difficult, there is an actual shift in their circadian rhythm that makes there sleep go th ...

Maybe you are expecting a new member of the family to arrive soon, maybe you need an extra guest room, or maybe you are just simply out of space and do not have another option. Whatever the reason might be for having your little ones share a room, it has become a definite reality for many families. After watching families make this transition over the years, we have many tips o ...

It’s heating up, swimming is a daily activity, and the grills are in full swing. That can only mean one thing…it’s almost the 4th of July! This can be a fun day filled with friends, food, and fireworks, but it can also be a day we all dread when it comes to how it effects our little ones’ sleep. Here are a few helpful tips to help preserve your child’s sleep during Fourth of Ju ...

After all of the hard work you have put in over the past two years to get your little one sleeping well, you have once again hit another regression! Many people are not familiar with this regression, but it can be a doozy. However, it might give you a little comfort knowing that this is typically the last regression we see with good sleepers, so once you are over this hump it s ...

I remember at one point when all three of my little ones were still little, I thought I might never again sleep through the night. But alas, I have made it to the other side to blissful sleep once again! I remember the days when I would wreck my brain trying to figure out why my babies would not sleep through the night. Were they too cold? Too hot? Was the white noise too loud? ...

I will be the first to admit that I am probably the mom that lets her kids play a little too wild, the mom that tests the limits, the mom that does not take every precaution with my littles. However, growing up I was raised by a woman that took every precaution, watched my every step, and made every attempt to keep me safe in a world that was anything but that. I have no doubt ...

I have gone through phases during this past year of both encouragement and disappointment. One moment it seems like things are starting to go back the way they were, and the next day it seems like we are taking steps back once again. During a time when there is so much that is out of our control, it is easy to focus on the things that cause anxiety and uncertainty instead of th ...

I remember one night sitting downstairs watching tv shortly after putting my kids to bed, and all of a sudden, I heard my 3 year old son start to scream. I figured he was having a bad dream, so I ran upstairs to try and console him. I picked him up and held him while rocking him to try and calm him down. I quickly realized he was not calming down, and in fact it almost seemed l ...

Why didn’t we try this sooner?! As we speak he is sound asleep in his crib – and has been since 7:15 pm.

Karianne Wanggaard

Sleep Well Sleep Specialists

Don't go through another night of bad sleep.

Contact us to schedule your FREE 15-minute sleep evaluation!

Working with Shannon, I went from 2-3 wake ups every night to 1 or 0. She aligned the plan with my preferred sleep cycle. She was always coaching, never judging. Shannon was great, I have referred MANY people to her! That's the best testament to her work that I can give.

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Don't waste another night not getting sleep. Contact us today and we help guide you to get your family sleeping through the night.