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Our Philosophy

It is our strong belief that healthy sleep habits make for healthy children.  A well-rested child is curious, energetic, happy, playful, and eager to learn.

When parents entrust us to be their child’s “sleep guide,” through one-on-one consultations or webinars, they are placing a great deal of trust in us, and we want to let you know that we take this responsibility very seriously.

While most books and programs dealing with child sleep issues take philosophical stands (based largely around the issue of “crying it out”), we believe that your child’s sleep is more important than our personal views on this subject. That’s why we put so much emphasis on accommodating different parenting styles.  The bottom line is that you, as a parent, need to be comfortable with your new sleep plan in order for it to work for your child!

Our approach to improving your child’s sleep is pretty simple:

  1. We’ll give you honest information about WHY sleep is so important for your child’s well-being. (This will give you all the motivation you need to make changes to your child’s sleep habits.)
  2. We’ll lay out an easy-to-follow, step-by-step plan that lets you make some choices about what is the right approach for your child. (All children are different, and nobody knows your child better than you do. We encourage you to use your knowledge of your child to customize his or her sleep plan.)
  3. We’ll show you how to measure success. (No, you shouldn’t expect your child to sleep 12 uninterrupted hours on the first night — although it does happen! We’ll tell you what you should expect along the way…)

A little note about the “crying” question: Since people always ask about whether our solutions involve “crying it out,” we think it’s something that deserves to be addressed here.

Crying is your child’s way of protesting change, and you can expect that making changes to their sleep habits will result in some protest. That’s why we are always sure to tell parents that our program will most likely involve at least some amount of protest on the child’s part.

Please understand that we will never ask you to leave your child to cry alone, nor will we ask you to ignore their cries. The reason that the methods we use are so effective is that we are sure that we develop a plan for you that you feel comfortable with, based on what you know about your child.

If you have any questions at all about our philosophy or the methods we use, please don’t hesitate to ask! We can be reached by email at or by telephone at (916) 798-7547.

Shannon Glenn

Meet Shannon

Hi, my name is Shannon Glenn.  I am the owner and founder of Sleep Well Children Consulting.  I am also a Certified Pediatric Sleep Specialist and I am dedicated to helping parents assist their children and babies in developing healthy sleep habits. With my B.A. in Psychology I have working extensively with children and their families for over 15 years in a variety of settings. I look forward to help you and your family!

Get Sleep Solutions Today

Don't waste another night not getting sleep. Contact us today and we help guide you to get your family sleeping through the night.

Meet Amanda

Hi, my name is Amanda Medley! I am a Certified Pediatric Sleep Specialist and a proud memberof the Sleep Well Children Consulting Team! With my M.A in Education and my B.A. in Child Development, I have worked with children and families in various settings for the past 10 years. I look forward to serving your family on your journey to restful and restorative sleep!

Sleep Services

Here are some of the services we offer at Sleep Well Children Consulting to help you finally get everyone a good nights sleep!

Private Sleep Consultation

Are you ready to get some good sleep again? Do you want to have a happy, well rested child? If you’re ready for a clear, easy-to-follow plan that will teach your child the skills necessary to happily sleep through the night and take long, restful naps during the day, we have different private consultations to fit your family’s needs.

Sleep Webinars

You’ll get to share experiences with other parents who are facing some of the same challenges as you… all from the comfort of your own home! A Sleep Well Webinar will give you the opportunity to connect with Sleep Well Children and help your child Sleep Well no matter where you live.

Jaimie Burns

Meet Jaimie

My name is Jaimie Burns and I am a Certified Pediatric Sleep Specialist and so grateful to be a member of the Sleep Well Children Consultation team! I have a Psy. D. in Clinical Psychology and I have been working with individuals and families for over ten years in multiple settings. I am dedicated to helping families find the path to healthier sleep!

Sleep Success Stories

They always say the proof is in the pudding, and we totally agree. We take pride in the success of our program. Check out some of the success stories. We would love to help your story be added to this list!

Kody Ramler

Meet Kody

My name is Kody Ramler. I am a Pediatric Sleep Specialist with the Sleep Well Sleep Specialist team. When I am not helping children form healthy sleep habits, I work as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with a private practice where I get to help people gain the tools to navigate a variety of challenges from depression and anxiety to challenging life transitions. I love to help others and saw how much creating healthy sleep habits for my children changed the quality of life for our entire family.

Meet Maria

Hi, my name is Maria McIlvena! I am a Certified Pediatric Sleep Specialist and a proud member of the Sleep Well Children Consulting Team! For the past five years, I've dedicated myself to this mission, providing personalized consultations, and in-house coaching. Armed with professional expertise and Sleep Sense certification, I empower families to overcome sleep struggles and embrace the joy of restful sleep.

Why didn’t we try this sooner?! As we speak he is sound asleep in his crib – and has been since 7:15 pm.

Karianne Wanggaard

Sleep Well Sleep Specialists

Don't go through another night of bad sleep.

Contact us to schedule your FREE 15-minute sleep evaluation!

Working with Shannon, I went from 2-3 wake ups every night to 1 or 0. She aligned the plan with my preferred sleep cycle. She was always coaching, never judging. Shannon was great, I have referred MANY people to her! That's the best testament to her work that I can give.

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