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Toddlers are such a joy to have around, they make you appreciate the little things and remind you how precious life really is.  They also have a curiosity that can be incredibly fascinating and can be at the same time, very frustrating. If you have a toddler living in your house you will draw comparisons and hopefully a laugh from the following list. How do you know a toddler ...

I have received many calls from worried parents and some previous clients telling me that their child was a good sleeper and now she is not.  The next question is almost always, what happened and how do we fix it?  I fully understand the concern and frustration that comes along with a change in a child’s sleep but the good news is there is usually a reason why it occurred and i ...

I get a lot of calls from parents with toddlers.  Why is my toddler still having sleep issues?  Is it too late to help my child sleep better?  Can you help?  These are some of the questions I am asked when a parent calls me with a toddler who is not sleeping well. There are different reasons for every toddler who is having sleep issues and I can never give a parent a single an ...

The amazing wonders a digital clock can do to help a young child regulate his mornings.  If you have child around 3 years or older, putting a digital clock in his room next to his bed can make everyone’s mornings go a little smoother.   The best way to utilize a digital alarm clock for a child under 4 years old, is to cover up the minutes with duct tape so just the hour is show ...

I received a call from a lovely mom named Amy, who had 4 beautiful children that were not sleeping well.  Bedtime was a struggle with the older children having many difficulties going to sleep without Mom or Dad in the room only to have one if not both of them in Mom and Dad’s bed by morning.  Then there were the younger two darlings, twin babies who also had sleep struggles.  ...

It’s been a long week, you and your spouse have only exchanged quick check ins with each in passing.  There have been a couple of  shouts to each other about basketball games, much anticipated dance recitals, or information that your favorite underwear are hanging in the laundry room.  You are in need of a stay-cation.  A night when you can tuck the kids into bed and have some ...

Daylight savings is around the corner, coming up Sunday, March 11, 2012.  Time to “spring forward” the clocks.   It can be a dreaded time for parents of young children because with this, comes an adjustment that does not happen immediately.  This is because children tend to be more structured in their bedtime and wake up around the same time each morning and that is why people ...

The words “I’m sorry” are the words you will often hear come out of a child’s mouth usually after prompted by an adult and usually after the child has done something not so nice to another child.   There is something about those words that makes adults feel better if they hear a child say them and there is something about those words that makes children quickly learn to say the ...

Do you ever forget to bring up something that you have wanted to communicate to your spouse?  Or sometimes do you feel like you never get to discuss anything together until the kids are asleep and at that point you probably feel more like plopping yourself on the couch to watch some good reality TV.  If this is you, you are not alone you are one of the many of us parenting chil ...

Has anyone ever looked around at the area that your children play in and think you are living in a zoo?  I know that I certainly have on more than one occasion.  With these winter months in full swing and outdoor play limited, I have often thought I have all of these wonderful, engaging toys lying around the room and my child would prefer to run around with a roll of toilet pap ...

Why didn’t we try this sooner?! As we speak he is sound asleep in his crib – and has been since 7:15 pm.

Karianne Wanggaard

Sleep Well Sleep Specialists

Don't go through another night of bad sleep.

Contact us to schedule your FREE 15-minute sleep evaluation!

Working with Shannon, I went from 2-3 wake ups every night to 1 or 0. She aligned the plan with my preferred sleep cycle. She was always coaching, never judging. Shannon was great, I have referred MANY people to her! That's the best testament to her work that I can give.

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