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So your baby has been sleeping well for months now and is happy, well rested with a very predictable schedule. All of a sudden your champion sleeper is now protesting at bedtime, waking up multiple times a night, and/or fighting those precious naps. A slew of questions might be circling your brain: What is happening? What do I do? Is this the end of good sleep for my baby…and me? Will this last forever? If we get through this, will it happen again? If this scene seems all too familiar, your baby might be going through a sleep regression. The good thing is sleep regressions are common and normal; all babies go through them. Some lucky parents have children that will breeze through some of these regressions with no noticeable problems or setbacks, while other children show all the signs and have parents scratching their heads on what to do.
Babies go through several periods in their first 2 years of life, where they experience leaps and bounds in their mental and physiological development. This can cause a shift in sleep habits and patterns resulting in more protesting, shorter naps, and more wake ups at night.
Although this seems daunting right now, remember that sleep regressions are signs that your baby’s development is on the right track. Unfortunately, their sleep can take a toll from this, but the good news is that your baby is growing, learning new things, and becoming more engaged with everything around them which is something worth celebrating!
The main sign that your little one is going through a sleep regression is that his sleeping pattern takes a turn for the worse. He was napping and sleeping at night like a champ and all of a sudden you find yourself part of an ongoing nap protest and night wakings.
Other Signs to Look For
There are various regressions that most babies and toddlers experience. The first regression most parents typically encounter is the dreaded 4 month sleep regression (or ‘progression’ as I like to call it), followed by another regression somewhere between 8-10 months, a third one around 12 months, the fourth is at the 18 month mark, and as if four regressions weren’t enough, a fifth regression typically hits at two years old.
Remember not all babies will reach these developmental stages at these exact ages so if your baby is around these ages, was a good sleeper and suddenly started showing some of these signs for a couple of weeks, it’s safe to assume they've hit a regression.
Not all sleep regressions last for the same amount of time, and will depend on the age and development of your little one. Some can last from 4-6 weeks, so be patient mama, this too shall pass. The good news is that most of these regressions should only last a few weeks as long as no new sleep habits creep back in during this time.
I like to call this a sleep 'progression' because at this age, your baby’s sleep is becoming more adult like. By 4 months, your baby has said bye bye to his babyish sleeping patterns and is sleeping more like an adult – and that translates into frequent night wakings with lots of fussing, along with shortened naps. Now, the 4 month regression is a different beast than all the others. This is a permanent change to how your baby sleeps and more than likely won’t go away until he has learned how to self soothe. If you need help with this, reach out to us at We would love to help you over this hurdle!
This regression is often due to all of the developmental milestones your baby is working on They’ll be learning to crawl, pulling up to stand and finding their voice. Your baby is a busy bee, which means they want to wake in the night to practice their newfound skills. There’s also a lot of brain development happening at this stage, and your baby is absorbing language like crazy!
This regression doesn’t seem to be as common or as impacting as the other regressions, and has a lot to do with nap transitions. You might find that your baby suddenly starts refusing his second nap, and tries to get by with just one nap. Lots of parents assume that this is a normal nap transition, and that it means their little one is ready for just one nap a day and for some babies this can be true. However, this is why I encourage parents to wait at least 2 weeks before making the transition down to one nap because it is possible that this is just a temporary regression and he isn’t quite ready to move to one nap a day.
This is by far the most challenging! This is because now your child is officially a toddler! He is walking, talking (well, babbling at least), likely protesting more and even throwing a tantrum or two. This regression has a lot to do with your toddler’s new-found independence. He is learning that he has opinions about things, and when things don’t turn out the way he wants to he will want to express his dissatisfaction intensely. Separation anxiety also comes into play here; your toddler may genuinely be distressed when you leave at nap time, or when you walk out of the room at bedtime. Finally, teething can play a factor at 18 months – toddlers are often cutting molars around this time.
There can be a variety of reasons for this sleep regression. Your 2 year old’s awake time is growing longer, but as he makes that transition, it can disrupt sleep. There tends to be an explosion of language during the 2nd year. Your 2 year old is likely also going through some big life transitions, like potty training and transitioning to a big-kid bed (and maybe even getting a new sibling!) And around 2 years of age, lots of toddlers begin having very real nightmares (or even night terrors). All of this can lead to a very real, very exhausting sleep regression around 2 years old.
Navigating a baby’s sleep is hard, and throwing regressions into the mix doesn’t make it any easier. Following a schedule and implementing good sleep habits early on will certainly help you down the line and will allow you to recognize when something like a sleep regression is occurring with your baby. You will feel confident in your ability to determine whether or not your baby is just having a few rough nights, or if he is going through a regression due to the inconsistency in his sleep patterns that weren't there before. We love educating families about their little one’s sleep, and getting them on the right track with healthier sleep habits. If you have tried everything to help your baby get on a good sleep schedule, and feel like you need a little extra guidance let us help!
Why didn’t we try this sooner?! As we speak he is sound asleep in his crib – and has been since 7:15 pm.
Karianne Wanggaard
Sleep Well Sleep Specialists
Don't go through another night of bad sleep.
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Working with Shannon, I went from 2-3 wake ups every night to 1 or 0. She aligned the plan with my preferred sleep cycle. She was always coaching, never judging. Shannon was great, I have referred MANY people to her! That's the best testament to her work that I can give.
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